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for change

​Dial-in sessions are delivered in a friendly, positive and accessible way allowing your employees to learn and practice a physical vocabulary, wherever they are in the world, keeping them safe, active and reinvigorated for their working day.


Classes help:


  • enhance team happiness and promote productivity by improving individual health, fitness and mental wellbeing

  • relieve tension, recharge batteries and create an enriched, rewarding work environment

  • engage and encourage colleagues whether working remotely or at the office

  • avoid back-pain through finding correct alignment when seated at the desk

  • establish good posture and develop physical confidence to enable and facilitate successful public speaking

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A bespoke experience which encourages your team away from the desk to meet, play and create here in the beautiful Ochil Hills of Scotland.


Tailored specifically to your company's needs, hinidas provides those most important to your working environment the space and time to reconnect, refresh and reshape both physically and mentally enabling maximum personal and professional productivity.

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