powered living
The human body's capacity is extra-ordinary: when we are in good health, eat good food and sleep well we are able to create, regenerate, repair and protect without conscious thought.
Our biological and physiological human power is at times incomprehensible and beyond imagination. It is easy to forget but we contain the most sophisticated of technologies, each and everyone of us.
By harnessing this innate power, nurturing it and developing it we can improve our physical fitness, strength, mobility and mental wellbeing so that we have the confidence to enjoy a fully realised human powered existence where we refuel ourselves whilst complimenting the world around us.
Small steps can make a powerful difference and there's no reason why we can't all be the carbon-free driving force activating our everyday.
Whether that means cycling to the shops, running to the school gates, walking to work or socialising with friends on a hike to the pub, achieving these daily processes under our own steam and making them part of our daily habit opens up a world of possibility empowered by the reality that we are each capable of far more than we first believed.
living gym
Reshaping and rewilding our ideas of an active lifestyle away from the machine-driven gym is integral to hinidas' working practice.
From utilising specialised own body-weight resistance exercises in order to improve strength, to taking advantage of the resources in nature's playground to improve our agility and stamina, we can challenge our bodies without being dependent on expensive, carbon-emitting infrastructure.
As we all collectively strive for a cleaner, kinder world, hinidas believes that human health and environmental sustainability are inextricably linked: the benefit of stepping into the outdoors, embracing the natural environment as our living gym, is immeasurable both for ourselves and the world which we share.